About Me

My journey toward becoming a Career Coach is deeply rooted in my relentless pursuit of self-discovery, entrepreneurial spirit, and unwavering commitment to both personal and professional growth. Throughout my career, I've navigated the twists and turns of corporate landscapes, embarked on entrepreneurial endeavors, and continually sought fulfillment in my work and life.

From climbing the corporate ladder to starting over in new industries, I've experienced first hand the challenges and triumphs of adapting to change and uncertainty. My professional journey has taken me through working at small start ups to industry giants like Tesla and Citi. Navigating 6 industry transitions has given me a unique lens to understand how different companies hire, build and lead teams, and operate in diverse sectors including fintech, SaaS, retail, tech, manufacturing, and financial services.

From building sales teams and breaking sales records, to running business operations, to recruiting and building recruiting teams, to opening different businesses myself, being a people leader and mentor others, each transition and each role I’ve been in, has equipped me with invaluable skills and insights. But amidst the hustle and bustle of corporate life, I found myself drawn to something more meaningful—a desire to help others navigate their own career paths with purpose and confidence, as it is a journey I know intimately.

My transition into Career Coaching was a natural evolution, driven by a profound belief in the transformative power of guidance and mentorship. Being consistently mentored myself by industry leaders, has shown me how finding the right mentors in your life can help your career take an exponential course. —Which is what I hope to be for you.

As a Career Coach, I provide first hand subject matter expertise, leveraging my own journey of self-discovery and professional growth to guide others toward fulfilling and meaningful careers. Together, we'll seize exciting job opportunities and chart a tangible path towards success — to ultimately help you build the career of your dreams.

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